
Medical Section, School for Spiritual Science, Goetheanum
The international center for anthroposophic medicine. Dornach, CH-4143  Switzerland

Canadian Anthroposophical Medical Association (CAMA)
7-9100 Bathurst St, Suite 2, Hesperus Community
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8C7, Canada. Tel:  905-882-4949

Steiner Health
Anthroposophic Inpatient and Outpatient care, training for students and professionals, summer youth programs, patient community organization, fasting weekends, and health information blogs

IVAA •  The international federation of anthroposophic doctors’ organizations. English-language website, with current research articles.

Anthroposophical Society in America
1923 Geddes Avenue  Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA.  Tel 734-662-1924

Anthromed Library at is a PAAM project to build a web archive of anthroposophic medical literature in English. Articles and links.

Current research on anthroposophic medicine: website of the Federation of International Physicians’ Associations.

International Research Newsletter on Anthroposophic Medicine. click here

Mistletoe Research Site:  features excellent summaries of current issues and up-to-date bibliographies (in English)

Merkurstab • (Mercury’s Staff)  is the German-language journal of anthroposophic medicine. On their website you will find free English-language versions of special issues of the journal that you can download.

Rudolf Steiner Archives: for on-line versions of many of Steiner’s works, some of which are out-of-print in English

The Nature Institute: www.  Renewal of science: perspective on science of living things. 
20 May Hill Road, Ghent, New York 12075  • Phone:(518) 672-0116  • Fax: (518) 672-4270 • Email:

Also see the highly regarded

Clinical Articles:  Complementary Therapy Systems and their Integrative Evaluations, Gunver Kienle,   

Brochures for General Public: At click on Info-Brochures AM in the lefthand column. Free downloads, or order hard copies. Their text is accessible and clear. You would probably want to insert North American resource information. 

Pharmacies, Medicines & Supplements

  • True Botanica Botanicals and other supplements on anthroposophic principles • 800-315-8783

  • Uriel Pharmacy
    Uriel Pharmacy, located in East Troy, Wisconsin, makes anthroposophic medicine and supplements aimed at restoring the body and soul. Many of the products we provide are made from the very herbs and plants that we grow in our biodynamic gardens at the pharmacy. Using only the most natural ingredients and passionate care, we endeavor to create the remedies that speak to the wisdom of each person’s body.
    Phone: 866-642-2858 (toll-free number) Fax: 262-642-8780 • 
    email: (customer service)

  • WELEDA Anthroposophic compounding pharmacy, Rx and OTC medicines, and home care products. 800-241-1030  Fax: 800-280-4899

  • WALA has been developing natural products since as far back as 1935. In the earliest days of its history, the company was a pioneering force in a society that had all but lost touch with natural products. Today, more than 70 years later, it is increasingly evident that the natural approach may be the only one that can lead us to the future. For WALA, this was always the natural choice. 

  • Dr. Hauschka Skin Care


Books by Rudolf Steiner

Fundamentals of  TherapySteiner, Rudolf and Wegman, ItaMercury Press, bilingual edition, newly translated by C. van Tellingen. Also available as: Extending Practical Medicine, Rudolf Steiner Press, AR Meuss, translator. (AP)

Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine, Steiner.R. Anthroposophic Press. New translation by C. Creeger. Previously titled, Spiritual Science and Medicine. Referred to as the “First Medical Course” of lectures Steiner gave. 20 lectures from March 21-April 9, 1920, Dornach, Switzerland  (AP)

Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: The Second Medical Course, Steiner, R. Mercury Press, 9 lectures April 11-18, 1921 Dornach (MP) Advanced material; recommended for readers familiar with the subject.

Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine, Steiner, R. Mercury Press. GA 314, 4 lectures Given to doctors, October 26-28, 1922, Stuttgart ,“Third Medical Course”(MP) Previously available under the title Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine, the translation of these four lectures, have been thoroughly revised by Alice Wulsin. Included in this edition are some portions omitted in the earlier, English translation.

Course for Young Doctors, Steiner, R. Mercury Press. 8 lectures, Jan 2-9,1924 and 5 lectures, April 21-25, 1924, Dornach, Contemplative path for doctors (MP)

Curative Eurythmy, Steiner, R. Anthroposophic Press. 8 lectures, 1921-22, Stuttgart and Dornach. (AP)



** An Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine: Extending the Art of Healing, Bott, Victor.  Concise, introductory guide for physicians. 

**Complete Healing: Regaining Your Health Through Anthroposophical Medicine , Evans, Michael and Roger, Iain, Introduction to anthroposophic view of human being and this medical approach, for intelligent general audience—also a good basic overview for doctors who are brand-new to anthroposophic medicine.

A Waldorf Guide to Child Health, Gloeckler, M. and Goebel,W., Steinerbooks, 2019. Written for parents, a bestseller in Germany; a useful introduction to children’s health issues from an anthroposophic perspective. Appendix contains instructions for parents on compresses, therapeutic baths, etc. (AP)

The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine.  Three volumes, Husemann, F. and Wolff, Otto, ed. SteinerBooks has republished Vol. 1.
 Mercury Press has released a newly revised version of volume II, III  (MP) (RSL)

Anthroposophic Medicine, Kienle, G et al, 2006 Schattauer, Stuttgart and New York, ISBN-10:3-7945-2495-0 and ISBN-13:978-3-7945-2495-2 Summary of efficacy, costs, safety; review of anthroposophic medicine in contemporary evidence-based form, with comments on research methodology. Obtain from any bookstore, or from PAAM, 1923 Geddes Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, for $20 (discount price) while supply lasts.

Foundations of Anthroposophical Medicine, Training Manual, Van der Bie, G., and Huber,M., eds., 2003 Floris Books, distributed in the US by SteinerBooks, Essays on method and ideas underlying anthroposophic medicine. (Also on Google Books)


The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine.  Three volumes, Husemann, F. and Wolff, Otto, ed. SteinerBooks has republished Vol. 1.
 Mercury Press has released a newly revised version of volume II, III  (MP) (RSL)

Healing PlantsPelikan, Wilhelm, 1997 Mercury Press  Introduction to anthroposophic perspective on medicinal plants; review of ten plant families and their major medicinal genus/species. Beautiful illustrations, index, bibliography. (MP)

Fundamentals of  TherapySteiner, Rudolf and Wegman, ItaMercury Press, bilingual edition, newly translated by C. van Tellingen. Also available as: Extending Practical Medicine, Rudolf Steiner Press, AR Meuss, translator. (AP)

Vade Mecum: A Handbook of Anthroposophic Medicine, Van Heek-Van Tellingen, Christa, Ed., Mercury Press /Medical Section 2007, Monographs on 45 remedies, 4 major therapies, and some 10 common diagnoses.

Finding Remedies: Spiritual Knowledge of Man and NatureVogel, Heinz-Hartmut, 2000 Medizin Verlags GmbH Bad Boll, Germany,  2 volumes Mercury Press

Remedies for Typical Diseases, Wolff, Otto  1996, Mercury Press, Introduction to therapy with the “doron” remedies

External ApplicationsExternal Applications of Medicaments: A Compilation of Indications to Physicians, Mercury Press, compilation of indications for external treatments (compresses, etc.)

The Anthroposophic Medical Movement: Responsibility structures and modes of work edited by Michaela Glöckler and Rolf Heine for the International Coordination Anthroposophic Medicine /IKAM, 1st edition, Verlag am Goetheanum, 2010 ISBN: 978-3-7235-1393-4